First time exporter, best countries

As a first time exporter, what are the best countries to start with? It depends. Many potential exporters can rule out a number of countries straight away, or at least put them in a file for later. If your current products are illegal in some countries (for example, if they don’t comply with safety standards) or clearly in some way unsuitable (consider language and cultural barriers for example) then discount them for now.

Be careful to protect your intellectual property. If your products are patented, don’t consider markets where you don’t already have patent protection.

In most cases, the easiest place to start is in markets where the customer profile is similar to the home market. So if your products have a particular attraction connected with specific activities such as a sport or hobby, start with markets where that interest is particularly popular.

Consider practical issues such as distance, language and ease of access. British suppliers will often find that access to EU/EFTA/EEA countries is not subject to legal or technical barriers that may apply elsewhere. For small business, especial an owner-managed one, time may be a limiting factor so consider markets that are not too remote and can be visited without investing too much time or expense.

Keep your plans modest. Don’t try to conquer too many markets at once. Most exporters find that between one and three new markets at any one time is enough to start with.

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