localisation company localisation services

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Localising Your Website

As the world becomes more connected, many businesses are expanding their operations globally. In order to succeed in these new markets, it is important to have a strong online presence. This means having a website that is not only visually appealing but also localised for the target audience. Localisation is the process of adapting a website to meet the cultural, linguistic, and functional requirements of a specific market. However, many businesses make common mistakes when localising their website, which can result in poor user experience and lost sales. In this article, we will discuss five common mistakes to avoid when localising your website.

1. Not Hiring a Professional Localisation Company

One of the biggest mistakes that businesses make is not hiring a professional localisation company to handle the process. Localisation is a complex process that requires expertise in language, culture, and technology. A professional localisation company can ensure that your website is accurately translated and culturally adapted to the target audience. They can also help you to avoid common mistakes and ensure that your website is optimised for search engines.

2. Failing to Understand the Target Audience

Another common mistake is failing to understand the target audience. Every culture has its own unique customs, beliefs, and values. A localisation company can help you to understand the cultural nuances of your target market and adapt your website accordingly. This includes using the appropriate language, images, colours, and symbols that resonate with the target audience.

3. Using Machine Translation

Machine translation is a tempting option for businesses looking to save money on localisation. However, it is important to remember that machine translation is not always accurate and can result in embarrassing mistakes. A professional localisation company uses human translators who are fluent in both the source and target languages. They can ensure that your website is accurately translated and culturally adapted to the target audience.

4. Ignoring Local SEO

Another mistake that businesses make is ignoring local SEO. Local SEO is the process of optimising your website for local search engines. This includes using local keywords, meta tags, and descriptions that are relevant to the target market. A professional localisation company can help you to optimise your website for local search engines and improve your online visibility.

5. Neglecting User Experience

Finally, neglecting user experience is a common mistake that businesses make when localising their website. A website that is difficult to navigate or does not work properly can result in lost sales. A professional localisation company can ensure that your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. They can also test your website in the target market to ensure that it works properly on different devices and platforms.

In conclusion, localising your website is a critical step in expanding your business globally. However, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can result in poor user experience and lost sales. By hiring a professional localisation company, understanding the target audience, avoiding machine translation, optimising for local SEO, and focusing on user experience, you can ensure that your website is effective in the target market. At TW Languages, we are a professional localisation company with extensive experience in localising websites for businesses across different industries. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you expand your business globally.