recurrent neural networks

Language Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

What are recurrent neural networks?

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a remarkable structure of neural networks which specialise in the modelling of sequential data.

Here is some background:

  • An RNN is one of the two broad types of artificial neural networks, characterised by the direction of the flow of information between its layers. But, unlike traditional feed-forward networks, RNNs include weighted connections within a layer and also utilise feedback loops.
  • Their primary purpose is to handle sequential or time series data.
  • RNNs work by remembering previous inputs through the maintenance of an internal memory — much the same way as when you read a sentence, you consider the context from the previous words to understand the meaning. Recurrent neural networks use this memory to influence the current input and output.
  • An RNN has two inputs: the present input and the recent past — which can be described as the output from the previous time step. By employing this memory, RNNs can model sequences effectively.
  • RNNs flex their muscles when it comes to tasks which involve sequence data such as the translation of sentences from one language to another; natural language processing, which involves analysing and generating human language; using speech recognition to convert spoken language into text; and captioning images with descriptions.
  • Recurrent neural networks feature in platforms such as Alexa, Siri, Google Translate and speech searches.
  • Uniquely, RNNs share parameters across each layer. Unlike feed-forward networks with different weights, RNNs use the same weight parameter within each layer.
  • RNNs weigh the position of each element in a sequence. For instance, the proper understanding of idiomatic expressions requires considering the order of the words.
  • Recurrent neural networks use backpropagation through time (BPTT) to calculate gradients during training — in similar fashion to traditional backpropagation but specific to sequence data.
  • During training, RNNs are faced with challenges such as exploding gradients, which is when gradients become too large, and gradients which vanish when they become too small.


To summarise, RNNs allow the capture of context and dependencies within sequences, which makes them extremely useful for a range of real-world applications.

How can recurrent neural networks be used in technical and scientific translations?

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) play a crucial role in technical and scientific translations in a number of ways:

  • RNNs are widely used for language pair translation in these fields: Translating user manuals, technical documentation and scientific papers from one language to another; converting research papers written in one language into other languages for worldwide distribution; and translating patent documents to assist in cross-border innovation.
  • Technical and scientific texts often contain terminology which is domain specific. Recurrent neural networks can learn context and relationships between specialist terms and deliver accurate translations. For example, the translation of intricate chemical formulas or medical text calls for scrupulous attention to domain-specific vocabulary.
  • Recurrent neural networks have an internal memory that captures context from previous words. Because, in technical and scientific translations, context is critical, RNNs are exemplary in preserving context in translations. The translation of a scientific paper, for example, requires an exhaustive understanding of the context of equations and theorems.
  • Scientific and technical content often involves long sequences of information, so another benefit of RNNs is their handling of long-term dependencies by considering information from distant areas of the text — crucial for maintaining consistency and coherence in translations.
  • Because RNNs recognise patterns and relationships, they can learn to translate mathematical terms, chemical equations and complex formulas with accuracy. The translation of a physics paper involving mathematical proofs, for example, requires an appreciation of the underlying equations.
  • Recurrent neural networks adapt to the diverse writing styles across scientific disciplines such as biology and physics, which enables translations to resonate with the target audience. RNNs can adjust their output to match the tone of a formal research article or an informal social media or blog post.


In conclusion, RNNs are indispensable for accurate and context-aware technical and scientific translations. The ability of recurrent neural networks in managing sequential data and maintaining context makes them valuable tools in bridging language barriers within the scientific community.


What can we expect in the future from recurrent neural networks?

The future of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is an exciting one, with potential developments like refined architecture to handle long sequences, vanishing gradients and enhance the memory; advanced attention mechanisms to improve translation, summarising and other natural language processing tasks; integrated RNNs which can work with other neural network architectures; fine-tuning RNNs on specific tasks such as medical diagnosis, scientific research or technical documents will become prevalent; RNNs will learn incrementally from new data without forgetting previous knowledge, and techniques including elastic weight consolidation will enable lifelong learning; quantum neural networks could revolutionise sequence modelling, and the future exploration of quantum RNNs is a certainty.


In a nutshell, recurrent neural networks will continue their evolution — adapting and finding novel applications. As they develop, expect breakthroughs that will shape the future of AI and human-computer interaction.


About Us

TW Languages’ language translation services are targeted towards precision and conducted by translators who are both professional in-country translators and qualified and experienced in specialist fields. Our translation team is proud of its knowledge of the nuances of local languages, all the while keeping a constant eye on the accurate translation of technical and scientific terms. The latest technological translation software can be used as a tool but ultimately all our work is carefully checked by our experienced translators to ensure the right context and overall accuracy.


To continue to grow the business and use our passion and desire to ensure every translation is of the highest quality and delivered on time. In doing this, we are committed to working with our clients in supporting them to achieve their global strategy.


To develop and extend our services globally, which we can do by working together as a collective.

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