Over the Phone Interpretation Service

Interpretation services remove language barriers in business

Interpretation services are a fundamental part of ensuring smooth communication when there is no common language. Interpreters can mediate conversations and negotiations between several speakers and are trained with specialist knowledge of specific domains.

Over the phone interpreting means you can access interpreting services from anywhere at almost any time. This is particularly important for businesses when dealing with an unexpected situation, a lesser-spoken language, a short conversation, a specific budget, or a meeting that isn’t taking place in person.

Over the phone interpreting

Over the phone interpreting

Our Expertise for Your Domain

At TW Languages, our over the phone interpreting services (OPI) are available wherever you are. Our team is trained to help, whether the assignment is a simple or in-depth conversation.

We also provide interpretation services in a variety of fields:

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Medical Interpretation 1

1) Medical 

With guaranteed access to an interpreter 24/7, you can easily find linguistic support whenever you need it. Our TW Languages interpreters are skilled in handling medical calls.

Their top-quality work helps to remove language barriers in healthcare, particularly in the NHS. Our interpreters are experienced in the healthcare industry, fluent in medical terminology, and comply with industry standards in privacy and security.


2) Education

Communication is a key part of the relationship between schools and parents/carers.  TW can match you with an over the phone interpreter who can facilitate vital conversations to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Our interpreters are industry experts, adept at handling complex calls and removing communication barriers.

3) Immigration Office and Legal Cases

Interpretation services are extremely important in immigration cases. Clear communication can facilitate smooth and direct meetings that have an impact upon people’s lives.

TW interpreters are expert, native speakers. By using specialist interpretation services, all parties can navigate complex immigration discussions.

Customer Service Interpretation

4) Customer Service

Don’t let language barriers prevent you from reaching customers in need. Our interpreters can help you provide the best customer support possible, in the languages your customers speak.

TW Languages’ interpretation services ensure your critical business communications aren’t lost in translation. We can also help you increase your access to both domestic and global markets, with enhanced cross-cultural communication.

Our over the phone interpreting services can help to improve your international business relations and open up opportunities anywhere and everywhere you need.

Governmental Interpretation

5) Government Sector

Our interpreters are available 24/7, with the knowledge to facilitate specialist, multilingual conversations in collaboration with public sector organisations.

Whether it’s transport, environment, work, justice, or any other department, TW Languages can help. With over the phone interpreting, you have access to over 150 languages, on demand, wherever you are, via a sophisticated platform.

Why Interpretation Management Systems (IMS) are Crucial

Interpretation management systems are pieces of software that help users to request an interpreter. These save time and are usually accessible on all devices, in the form of apps and websites, and we also offer the option of dialing out on a landline to reach an interpreter

TW Languages uses a simple IMS that lets you book an interpreter in a few easy clicks. Once you have loaded the page on your phone, tablet, or computer, you will have the choice of on-demand or prescheduled interpreting sessions, with up to 150 languages available.

Click here to see more: book an interpreter.

What our Clients Say

Jo Rogers, Assistant Export Manager Crown Paints

Excellent and most professional service, translations managed beautifully.

Rachel La Bouchardiere, OTD Ltd, Inspiring People

“Thanks for all the translations you did so quickly for us, was very impressed.”

Crispin Manners, Chief Executive Kaizo

“Goes the extra mile to meet client needs, expectations and often truncated deadlines.”

What Differentiates TW Languages?

AT TW Languages, we work with our clients to meet their individual needs with speed and accuracy. We specialise in a number of industries, meaning that you can be confident that our interpretation services will be suitable for your domain.

We can also provide the following benefits:

  • On demand access to over 150 language 
  • 24/7 Support
  • 360 reachability via our web portal, mobile and tablet app, or by calling from a landline
  • Native speakers of the languages you need
  • ISO 17100 certificate

Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

