e commerce localisation

The Ultimate Guide to E-Commerce Localisation!

Although e-commerce has undergone a remarkable transformation that has virtually eliminated geographical boundaries, what in turn has empowered businesses to effortlessly extend their reach to customers located in far corners of the globe, amidst this unprecedented global expansion, it is of paramount importance for businesses to grasp the significance of e-commerce localisation and, more importantly, to actively integrate it into their strategies.
In this inclusive guide, we will explain the essential aspects of e-commerce localisation, helping you pave the way for your global success.

E-Commerce Localisation

E-commerce localisation services refers to the practice of customising your online store to cater to the specific cultural, linguistic, and market preferences of a target audience in a particular region or country, including website content, product descriptions, pricing, payment methods, and customer support.

Localising Your E-Commerce Website

Now that you understand what the concept of e-commerce localisation is, let’s explore how to implement it effectively on your e-commerce website:

  • Multilingual Content:

Providing content in the native language of your target market is a must. Invest in professional translation services to ensure accuracy and cultural relevance of the translated content. 

Tip: Implement a language switcher on your website to help users easily switch between languages.

  • Geo-Targeting:

Use geo-targeting to automatically direct users to the most relevant version of your website based on their location, including displaying prices in the local currency, adjusting shipping options, and showing products popular in that region.

Tip: Refine your audience segments based on location data.

  • Payment Methods:

Different regions have different preferred payment methods (Cards, Mobile Wallets, Bank Transfer, Payment Applications, Cash on Delivery, etc.). Ensure that your e-commerce store is localised enough to accept the most common payment options in each target market to build trust and convenience for your customers.

Tip: Thoroughly research and understand the payment preferences of the local population you are targeting.

  • Customer Support:

Offering customer support in the local language is crucial for understanding and addressing customer queries and concerns effectively. 

Tip: Consider employing native speakers or using translation services for your customer service team.

SEO and Localisation

To reach your global audience effectively, optimise your e-commerce website for search engines in each target market:

  • Keyword Research:

Conduct thorough keyword research to understand the search habits and preferences of your target audience in different regions. 

Tip: Create content that aligns with these keywords to improve your website’s visibility.

  • Localised Content:

Effectively generate distinct and personalised content for each of your target markets, addressing their specific needs and interests. 

Tip: Localised blogs, product descriptions, and landing pages can significantly improve your SEO efforts.

  • Backlink Building:

Find and collaborate with local businesses to build backlinks from reputable sources in each region. This not only boosts your website’s authority but also enhances its local relevance.

Tip: Focus on building high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites.

E-Commerce Platforms and Tools

Several e-commerce platforms and tools – like Wix, Shopify, and Squarespace- can be used to simplify and enhance the localisation process. 

Tip: Choose the right platform and tools to streamline your global expansion efforts.

A/B Testing

Conduct A/B tests on different localised versions of your website to determine which suits best each target audience in every market. 

Tip: Use these insights to refine your localisation strategies.

Continuous Improvement

To ensure your e-commerce localisation efforts yield the desired results, you must monitor and analyse your performance continually. Identify KPIs specific to each target market and regularly track these metrics to measure the effectiveness of your localisation strategies. Furthermore, encourage feedback and reviews from your international customers and listen to their suggestions and concerns to make necessary improvements.

Why E-Commerce Localisation

Localising your e-commerce website offers several significant benefits:

  • Increased Sales: By catering to local markets through e-commerce localisation, you can upsurge sales, as customers are more likely to make purchases when they can navigate and understand your site in their native language.
  • Improved SEO: Localised content helps your e-commerce website rank higher in local search results, increasing its visibility to potential customers in specific regions.
  • Competitive Edge: Localisation sets you apart from competitors who may not have taken this step, making your brand more appealing to local customers.
  • Global Expansion: E-commerce localisation can be a strategic step towards expanding into new international markets, opening doors to a wider customer base.
  • Word of Mouth: Satisfied local customers are more likely to recommend your website to others in their community, leading to organic growth and higher engagement.

Final Thoughts

E-commerce localisation is not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process that requires hard planning and continuous improvement. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of your target markets, adapting your website and content accordingly, and using the right tools and strategies, you can set your e-commerce business on the path to global success. 

TW Languages – a UK registered company, based in Cheshire and a full member of the ATC & EUATC, as well as being ISO 17100 and ISO-IEC 27001 accredited – is your multi-lingual e-commerce localisation partner in up to 250 languages, and focusing on innovation, quality and meeting customers’ deadlines in each project we work on.